Field of Lavender

Field of Lavender

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Solo/Ensembles at Poland H.S., Feb.14, 2009

My daughter participated in a alto solo and two ensembles yesterday at Poland High School. She did a wonderful job and I am so proud of her.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More Snow and Freezing Temperatures

Everyone is getting sick of the snow and it is only January. I hate to see what my gas bill is going to be for this month.

Even patrons are not coming out to the library in this weather. We have a lot of walkers in the area. Freezing temperatures are keeping them away. The elderly do not want to come out in case they fall on the icy sidewalks.

Is it too early to "Think Spring"? I am looking forward to the days when I can be out on my front porch reading a good book, drinking an iced tea and watching and smelling the flowers growing.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 10, 2009 Snow

It was a terrible commute this morning to work. The major highways - like Rt. 224 and Rt. 165 were snow covered. The road crews were out but they could not keep up with the snow falling down. I got stuck a few times on Rt. 165 but managed to get to work a few minutes late, although I left earlier for work.

The library was not busy at all - most normal people stayed home. In fact, the local new reporters told everyone, if you did not have to go out - don't. Unfortunately, all of our libraries were open and the employees had to report to work.

At 5:30 p.m. it was dark - and the evening commute was just as bad. The roads were not any better - driving in the dark on snow-covered roads is dangerous. I thank God, I did not get stuck anywhere and got home safely. It took me 45 minutes to drive home.

Last weekend - I hit a deer on the way home from work - it caused $3500 to my car. I had to pay a $250 deductible.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Went to see the movie, "Australia" with my daughter and her friend over the Thanksgiving holidays. Great movie - lots of history and romance. I recommend this movie to everyone. The aborginal actors were great. My Mother was born in Australia and met my Father during WWII when my Father was stationed there off the coast of Queensland. After seeing the movie and doing some further research on line in regards to the bombing of Darwin - I was so surprised that Japan did so much damage - I remember my Mother talking about WWII and what the Japanese did to Australia but, of course, I was younger and did not understand the magnitude of the bombing. Australia has always been a friend to the United States and rightfully so.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Well - its the third week of August...

and the days are getting shorter. I love this August weather and I am not looking forward to Fall - except for the high school football games. Our first game is tomorrow night - and my daughter is drum major for Canfield Band. I think I am more excited then she is. We play Chardon, a team we have never played before. Also, next week I have two band shows to attend, one of which is the area bands performing at the Canfield Fair, and the Canfield Band Night - when we get to see a number of area bands perform their half-time shows at their football games. Also with Fall around the corner, there is the wonderful cider and donuts at the local Whitehouse and Haas Fruit Farms.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snow Days

I got bored and added another Youtube video from our library. I also added three pictures of the Sebring Library and a slideshow of cat pictures. Spring is getting close and I know everyone is sick of this heavy snow and sleet. I can wait to get outside and smell the roses.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

#23 - Summary

I really enjoyed going through the Things and think I will be accessing my blog frequently and going beyond #23. I also may be reviewing a number of these, especially some that I didn't have enough time to experiment with. I didn't give myself enough time to digest this information and hurried through because I was getting close to the deadline.

My Daughter -Drum Major for the Band

My Daughter -Drum Major for the Band
Fall, 2008

Sebring Library

Sebring Library