Field of Lavender

Field of Lavender

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Better get back to it

I sort of stopped doing this - so now after talking to a few of my library friends, I thought I should continue and see this thru.

Week 1 and 2 - read blog, listened to the pointers from lifelong readers three times since I had left too much time inbetween to remember what it said. I feel that writing down your goals would be a hard thing for me to do - with working 40 hours per week, a commute time of five hours per week plus my responsibilities at home raising two kids, I just don't have the extra time. However, I do like learning new things and love to read books. I always enjoy a book on cd while traveling back and forth to work. I am lucky my son works a Circuit City part-time because he fills me in on the newest technology crazes. #3 - Set up my own blog #4 registered it.

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My Daughter -Drum Major for the Band

My Daughter -Drum Major for the Band
Fall, 2008

Sebring Library

Sebring Library